Create a personal account by registering on the website. After registration, start creating a virtual memorial website: fill in the section MAIN INFORMATION about the person and upload a good quality photo (recommended photo size 1900 x 950 pixels in JPG, PNG, TIFF, or BMP format, no more than 10 MB). Don’t forget to save your changes every time. Your virtual memorial website will be published once you have paid. After that, you become an administrator of the memorial website and can edit it at any time.
Filling out your virtual memorial website begins with the main information, where you must specify a first and last name from which a personalized domain name will be automatically generated. You can share the memorial website by sending the link to others.
Section LIFE STORY: Here you need to create the periods of a person’s life – for example, infancy, childhood, youth, school and love. Fill each period with photos, descriptions and dates. Click the Publish button to publish the photos on the memorial website and make them available to others.
Section GALLERY: In this section you can upload any photos and videos that are not included in LIFE STORY (maximum photo size 1900×950 pixels in JPG, PNG or BMP format, no more than 5 MB. Video files should be in MP4 format and no more than 100 MB.)
Section FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Here you can upload photos of relatives and friends who have been involved in your loved one’s life. For example, a son, daughter, husband, wife, father, mother or friend.
After payment, you can order the production of the QR code and have it delivered to any place in the world. Fill in the delivery address. The shipping cost is included in the price. The QR code will be sent to you the next business day after you place the order. Delivery time depends on shipping address and averages 7–20 days.
You can place the QR code in any convenient place: a memorial, a tombstone, an urn or a garden bench.
QR code will have an outdoor rated adhesive tape attached to the back of it. This tape is permanent and will stick to both smooth and rough surfaces. You will also receive a disposable cloth impregnated with isopropanol to degrease the surface. Instructions will be provided with your QR code.
QR code:
Stainless steel plaque with laser engraved QR code
Color: Silver
Shape: Square
Thickness: 0,07 inches (0.18 cm)
Dimensions: 2.2 x 2.2 inches (5,6 x 5,6 cm)
The data will be stored for many years, as the project is designed to run for a long time to carry the memory through the generations. We do not delete any virtual memorial website. The project is currently supported by a professional team of specialists.
The QR code can be attached to an existing or new monument. It is also possible to engrave the QR code on the monument during its manufacture. To do this, you need to download the QR code in your personal account and send it to the manufacturer of the monument.
After registration, the site visitor can leave a message and upload photos in the following sections: Leave a Message, Gallery and Life Story. Videos can be upload in the Gallery.
for example: